Hair on Fire


Bring your brand to life and build a dynamic digital presence.


To build the website that captures the perfect picture of your company we meet with you to:

  • Determine your goals for a website
  • What you like and dislike in a website; and,
  • How best to express your brand


From the information we gather,

  • We help you choose a website style
  • Build the copy and photos that draw your site visitor into your site; and,
  • Create connections that help the visibility of your site online


When the site meets all of our and your standards, we’re ready to launch! An added feature you may choose to add to your package is Search Engine Optimization. This tracks the effectiveness of your site and gives us insight on what is needed to drive your site to the top of the search engines. For more info on SEO, click here.

Keep Exploring Your Space

To stay relevant in the digital world your website should be a living organism with:

    • Up-to-date information
    • Security monitoring
    • Regular performance reviews and
    • Continual Search Engine Optimization

We have the tools to keep you operational with prime visibility. Ask us how today.

Take a peek at a few of our website builds